What is 5s and Benefits?

5s is a way through which the workspace and work flow is managed so that the efficiency of the organization can be increased by removing the process and waste. 5s is a way of improving the working environment.

5s is mainly composed of 5-s which are mainly Japanese names. 1. Seiri (Seiri) 2.Seiton (Santone) 3.Seiso (Siso) 4.Seiketsu (Saketsu) 5. Sitsuke (Sitsuke).

In this blog we will get all the information about 5s, What is 5s?, History of 5s Where did 5s start?, What is the process of 5s?, And 5s through 5s example Will understand

What is 5s?

For the first time in 1980, the Japanese manufacturing company Toyota used 5S and named it Toyota Production System which later became famous as 5S Activity. The use of 5s in the service industry started from 1990.

There is an improvement in the 5s work area. 5s is the activity done to create a good working environment.

In the activity of 5s, everyone from the peon of the company or workplace to the owner participate and work to improve their work area.

5S Meaning:-

  • 1S Seiri: Sort Sorting Equipping
  • 2S Seiton:Set in order
  • 3S Seiso: Shine Clean
  • 4S Seiketsu: Standardization
  • 5S Sitsuke: Sustain or Self Discipline

What 5s can do?

  • Can identify inequality.
  • By identifying the waste, it can work.
  • Can increase productivity.
  • Can improve safety.
  • Details of 5s approach

5s are used in TPM as first pillar but Now a day when you talk about world class manufacturing then 8s are used in it and about all those s:

S1: Sort ( Sorting )

The first s of 5s in Hindi is the first step of Sorting 5s. In this, our focus remains on removing the unnecessary stuff from the workplace and we remove the unnecessary stuff from the work place and keep the same stuff that we need at the workplace.

In this stage, we divide the material kept at the workplace into three parts.

1. Necessary

2. Unnecessary

3. May not necessary

In sorting, by placing red tags on unnecessary items, they mark that the item is not in use yet.

Keep unnecessary items in the store area.

Abnormal things are found and kept in an organized place.

Advantages of sorting

There are many advantages of sorting, such as by doing sorting, you can find the things kept at that place very easily and you do not have trouble in finding them.

  • The place looks clean and beautiful.
  • Due to the clean place, the enthusiasm of the people remains.

S2: Set in order

The second s of 5s means set in order or furnishing is the second step of 5s. In this step, a fixed place is found for every useful item. By doing this step, we can save time and energy in finding an item.

Set in order

In this step, labeling, numbering, and zoning identification are done to keep the useful items in the storage area.

By doing this step, we can reduce unnecessary movement and transportation time. In this step we use "Can see, Can take out, and Can return" Philosophy. advantages of furnishing By furnishing, the place looks very beautiful and the enthusiasm towards working in people increases. The workplace looks beautiful.

S3: Shine

The third s of 5s in hindi, Shine, is the third step of 5S. In this step we clean our workplace in a given time. This fixed time can be per day, per week, or per month. In Swachhata we clean our workplace every day and see that there is no dust there.

Shining Activities:

  • Clearing the ground, windows, and walls.
  • Cleaning all the items of the office such as tables, tables etc.
  • Creating and following the maintenance schedule.
  • Maintain and clean equipment and tools daily.
  • benefits of keeping clean
  • Machines do not deteriorate quickly.
  • There is no dirt in the workplace and the workplace remains clean.

S4: Standardize

The fourth s of 5s in hindi, from S1 to S3, we implement 5S. These steps provide opportunities for employees to participate in the standard development of 5S.

  • Everyone in the company participates in standardization.
  • By using Standarzation we can easily do the activity from S1 to S3.
  • Through standardization, we create work instruction and standard operating procedures.
  • Develop the check list, and prepare the SOP on a regular basis.

Benefits of making a standard

After making it standard, it is easy to implement 3s and there is no problem in following it daily. It is also easy to find the items kept in the workplace.

S5: Sustain

At Sustain, we maintain the activity up to S1-S4 through discipline, commitment, and empowerment. In this step we do regular progress reporting.

  • Provide training to employees.
  • Evaluating 5S activities.
  • Follow the process and keep yourself open to improvement.
  • Encouraging all employees to work responsibly.

benefits of self discipline

  • With self-discipline, the work gets done continuously in the right way.
  • People keep on doing their work from time to time.
  • Becoming popular for seven solid reasons
  • The workplace remains clean and organized.
  • Workplace operation becomes easier.
  • The results are visible to everyone inside and outside.
  • People are naturally disciplined.
  • People take pride in being clean and organized.
  • Its results are visible and new ideas come.
  • As a result, a good image of the company is created.

Target of 5S

  • The main objective of 5s is to achieve zero defect.
  • zero defect on quality.
  • zero waste leading to higher quality.
  • Zero breakdown.
  • Zero injuries
  • Implementation of 5S can improve you in the working of both manufacturing and service sectors.
    • Implementation of 5S should be done in a proper way and follow step by step:

      • Separating useful and unusable items.
      • Arranging items according to work flow.
      • Keeping the workplace clean.
      • Standardizing the "sort- set- shine" process.
      • To have a positive attitude of the workers and to improve the quality.

      Example of 5S

      Take the best example of 5s from your own home. Suppose that everything in your house is scattered here and there and when you start looking for any item, then you have a lot of problem and you are not able to find your goods or items quickly. To overcome this problem, you have set a systematic place for all the things in your house and put all the things in their place. Later, whenever you need something, you go to its designated place and after the work is over, keep it at that place. You clean your house every day and you have fixed the lights of a dustbin to throw the garbage and there you put the garbage of your house and do your work every day. This is the most important example of 5S that we all do every day.

      5S and 6S

      Friends, apart from 5s, the concept of 6s is also popular, which is used by manufacturing companies. But there is not much difference between 5s and 6s. 5s is used to refer to TPM while 6s is used to refer to WCM. Here TPM means TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENENCE and WCM means WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING. Where in TPM, 5S stands for SORT, SET IN ORDER, SHINE, STANDARIZED and SUSTAIN, while 6S in WCM means SORT, SET IN ORDER, SHINE, STANDARIZED, SUSTAIN and SAFETY. Somewhere the concept of WCM is also called 5S + SAFETY.

      Advantages of 5S

      1. By sorting the s before the 5 s, we can remove the non-essential things from our work area. So that our work place will be completely clean and will look beautiful.

      2. By ordering the second set of 5 s, we can keep all the important things in our work area in a systematic way.

      3. By using the third s of 5s, Shine, we can keep our work area completely clean.

      4. Using standardized we can make a check sheet to use the above three s and also make tag so that it is easy to follow them.

      5. It is sustainable to follow these four s continuously.

      6. Implementation of 5s brings ease in working, so that employees feel inclined to work and get more productivity.

      7. Implementation of 5s increases the production as well as the quality.

      8. Saves time.

      What are the problems faced while doing 5S?

      You may also have to spend some money to do 5s.

      You may need several people to do 5s.

      How do you apply 5S?

      Whenever a company or organization wants to advance itself and wants to implement TPM and 5S in its company, first of all it either hires a good consultant or employee who has experience about all these things. And that person should be a Six Sigma expert. After that the concerned person applies 5 S to the company using PLAN- DO- CHECK- ACT METHODOLOGY.


      • Positive attitude is very important in the implementation of 5S activities.
      • 5S Activities is not a cleaning campaign.
      • The main focus of 5S activities is to create a good working environment by reduction of "muri" (overburden), "mura" (unevenness), "muda" (waste).
      • This is the basic organization management system.

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Georgia Reader Reply

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Aron Alvarado Reply

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Lynda Small Reply

I really liked the way explanation has been done in common man's language with enough visuals.

Sianna Ramsay Reply

Very detailed explanation. Hats off sir. Thanks for sharing these useful knowledge.

Nolan Davidson Reply

महोदय को सादर प्रणाम व नमस्कार, आप के समझाने का तरीका पसंद आया। आशा करता हु आगे भी सभी सूचना का संज्ञान कराएंगे।

Kay Duggan Reply

Thanks for sharing this knowledgeable video, today i am going to apply this methodology in my workplace.

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